Now that I am back to blogging, I thought that it would be cool to do a "Making Monday". Making Monday's will show off things that I have made by myself. And because I'm
NOT that crafty, typically my "makings" will be about something I Loovveeee......and that is
So let's begin...
Today, I am going to talk about making
Homemade Baby Food. While I was pregnant, I did a lot of reading. I read Internet blogs, participated in baby online group discussions, and read a lot of magazines. There was so much information out there that really focused on (1). Healthy Lifestyles (2) Eating Organic (3) Saving Money & (4) DIY (Do it Yourself). Reading all this stuff convinced me that
a. I was definitely going to breastfeed, and
b. I was going to try out making my own baby food. Both would save me a lot of money!!! Sometimes I do feel guilty that I didn't research all this incredible information while I was pregnant with my son (whom I breastfed, formula fed and fed him store bought baby food), but he is healthy and doing just fine.
With my baby girl, I am exclusively breastfeeding, pumping every 4 hours and making her, her own homemade baby food. Making homemade baby food is really easy and not that time consuming! I really enjoy making homemade baby food because I know the ingredients that are in everything I am feeding my baby, and that makes me feel more comfortable buying food that I have no control over. This way I am able to avoid pesticides, baby food recalls, etc. I am NOT knocking anyone that uses store bought food, not at all. This is just a personal choice of mine. And to be quite honest, there may be a time that I am unable to make my own food and may have to purcahse a few organic jars of baby food. I'm just being honest. So my first week, I made a banana puree for my baby girl. She loved it!!!
What you will need. A Blender, food processor, Bullet or Baby Bullet. I chose to purchase a baby bullet set for a few reasons. We typically use our blender for mixing drinks, and I don't want to make baby's food with a blender that has been used with making alcoholic beverages. Also, the
baby bullet comes with everything you will need to blend and store your baby food! It only cost $59.99
Babies R Us or
Bed, Bath and Beyond. you can use a Bed Bath and Beyond coupon at both of these places. I used a 20% off coupon!
Here is the baby bullet and all the component's:
This week I made:
Homemade Sweet Potatoe Puree.
Ingredients: Sweet Potatoes and Breastmilk
1. Peel and wash your sweet potatoes
2. Cut up sweet potatoes in small chunks
3.Pour sweet potatoes into boiling water
4. Remove sweet potatoes and pour into blender (save and use the water while blending because the water contains healthy nutrients that were released from the sweet potatoe) *Also, I use a little bit of breastmilk for added taste. You can also use formula.
*Blend for about 15 seconds or until the sweet potatoe turns into a puree.
***If you really want to give baby a treat, also add a little banana in there to really give baby a yummy taste of healthy food!
5.Pour your puree into the baby bullet containers to store in the refrigerator:
6. Store the rest in the freezer ready containers:
I also purchased some additional little ice trays from the dollar store:
Last, but not least..FEED to baby!!!! S/he will love it!!!
P.S. It gets a little messy ;)